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Marta Bergantiño Actress and top model

Marta Bergantiño was born in the town of Orense, northwestern of Spain. At the age of five she migrated eith her family to Caracas (Venezuela) where she grew up as a young girl showing an special interest for the Fashion´s world and Arts.

Marta grew up absoving all the knowledge of the MIss Universe School sited in Caracas and it will be seen later when at the age of 17, she moved back to Spain, her unique talent carried her by chance to get on a runway by the hand of Heike Ferrari, The Fashion Director of "Traffic models Managment", one of the most pretigious modelling agencies in Spain (Madrid/Barcelona). After that har career began to grow considerably after a sequence of shows in "Cibeles-Fashion Week of Madrid" with designers such as: Francis Montesinos, Roberto Verino, Adolfo Dominguez, Antonio Pernas, among others.

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